Tuesday, May 21, 2024

5/21/24 - New releases from INVERTEBRATES, PEACE DECAY and VIDRO OUT NOW!!



HOWDY! SUP? Got three new ones ready to roll plus some represses, a recent warehouse find, distro additions of note and some tours you should be aware of! Let's get to it:


A couple years back here in Richmond, VA, a group known as INVERTEBRATES emerged from the river sludge, dropping an absolutely scorching demo AND promo tape in conjunction with the pulverizing of many a gig audience fortunate enough to witness them. While the INVERTS have stayed the course on the latter, continuing to belt out the hits in the live setting the hardcore punk faithful have been hungry for more, and folks, am I excited to let ya know the wait is over! Featuring a handful of tunes from those aforementioned tapes that many have surely worn out by now, "SICK TO SURVIVE" is ten tracks of perfectly executed "45 RPM on a 12" style hardcore punk" - meaning that while it doesn't overstay it's welcome you will be left with a few sonic rage induced lumps as a reminder of the time spent together. Truly a slab for those who love the genre yet refuse to allot time for any of the extra bullshit that comes in tow with it at this particular point of the dystopian nightmare we find ourselves in. Each record comes in a jacket with a huge fold out newsprint poster and insert, all of which were designed by singer Max Mattoon.

There are 100 copies on WHITE VINYL for mailorder while they last.

There's also a RED VINYL / SCREEN PRINTED spineless (like an Invertebrate - get it?) jacket edition that the band will have at their record release gig here in Richmond on Saturday (ask a mod, maybe a teddy boy too) and for those who can't make it, our friends at Bunker Punks will also have a few of these available later today as well. Please be patient as they will have them when they have them BUUUT also if ya check out the BIR Big Cartel there miiiight be a few in there IDK!


If you follow this label, you'll know that the love for Texas is evident. Serving as a follow up to the 2022 "DEATH IS ONLY..." 12" EP, the self-titled LP by these veterans of pummeling sonic racket features ten tracks of the hardcore punk madness that their first effort exhibited they were the stalwarts of. With this new release, PEACE DECAY have elevated their songwriting prowess and fierce delivery further than before. Mastered by Jack Control at Enormous Door, each record comes in a jacket with a full color insert, both of which are garnished with an absolutely stunning painting by vocalist Enok Cado.

There are 100 copies on LIGHT GREEN VINYL for mailorder while they last.


International hardcore punks VIDRO have blessed us with yet another slab. Upon returning home to Stockholm from a string of US dates, VIDRO returned to the studio so belt out yet another session of their raging yet eclectic take on the ever-mutating art form that is hardcore punk. Released earlier this year by the band across the pond, Beach Impediment is proud to yet again spread the works of this powerhouse of a group in the North American region. Each record comes in a stunning risograph sleeve designed by the band's own guitarist and designer Lucas Lima. 

There are 100 copies on TRANSLUCENT YELLOW VINYL for mailorder while they last.

Available in Europe from Push My Buttons Records and Caco de Vidro.

As always, you can buy here and buy / stream / download here.

In addition to this, the following titles are now once again available thanks to much needed represses:


Not only that, when doing some office cleaning I came across a couple dozen copies of the CONDOR - SINGLES 2017-2018 12" that I'd never assembled. Those are in the webstores while they last!

Not a ton to report distro wise but holy shit, get those DEEF reissues General Speech did if you haven't already! Also stocked back up on the LONG KNIFE back catalog represses that Keet did last year.

Oh and uh LOTS OF BANDS ARE ON TOUR! WAY MORE THAN USUAL! SOME ARE ALREADY UNDER WAY WHILE OTHERS HAVE YET TO EVEN START! See the attached posters for more info on said tours (no, I do not know venue info, etc.)


I might have just fucked the formatting of this dispatch by (shittily) posting these posters but ehhh. 

That does it for now! See ya in July when MORE slabs are slated to drop, okay?
